Temporary Exhibitions
In addition to the permanent collection, the museum puts up special exhibitions. In these, objects new to the museum, objects that are not normally on display, may be combined with objects on loan, to form a Temporary Exhibition, put together on a specific topic.
Past Exhibitions:
Behind The Scenes… What’s in the Warehouse – Spring 2021, on display in the Museum windows February 15 – May 15, 2021; a look at some of the objects in the warehouse – some acquired long ago, some new donations, and some that will not make it into the collection. Behind The Scenes…Spring 2021
Making History 2020 – on display in the Museum windows, October 30 to November 11, 2020: Making History , a photo report of protest marches and plywood art from early October.
An Assemblage of Hats – on display in the Museum windows, July 30 to August 23 (extended to August 31) 2020: An Assemblage of Hats