Alameda Museum

A Greater Understanding

Alameda is rich in history. We walk through heritage every day, with carefully preserved vintage buildings and parks from another century in a charming setting. A visit to The Alameda Museum enriches our daily lives by giving meaning and dimension to the legacy of the past that surrounds us. The programs and exhibits there put the present in historical context.

The Alameda Museum

The Alameda Museum was founded in 1948 and designated in 1983 as the City of Alameda’s official repository of historical documents and artifacts. In that role, the Alameda Museum affords us an invaluable glimpse into this city’s spectacular and often glamorous history. Tour the museum and instantly gain a greater knowledge of our links to a not-so-distant past. First time visitors are amazed by the wealth of intriguing facts to be discovered:

  • Mound Street is named for the Native American burial mounds found in the vicinity
  • Over 4,000 Alameda structures are on the Historic Building Study List
  • Alameda was a peninsula until 1902 when the canal was completed.


Museum Hours

Alameda Museum is open to the public on weekends, except holidays.

Saturday 11AM – 4PM
Sunday     1PM – 4PM

The Alameda Museum will be closed December 18, 2023 – January 5, 2024.

The public restroom will remain closed.

Day Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday 11AM – 4PM
Sunday   1PM – 4PM

Museum Location


A Community Resource

At the most fundamental level, The Alameda Museum’s role is to prevent time from eroding this city’s link to its past. The Museum, however, has emerged as a far more valuable resource for the community than merely a repository of Alameda’s recorded history and historical artifacts. It has expanded its role to become a hub of cultural activities including:

  • Historical displays for public enjoyment
  • Displays of art by historic local artists
  • Displays by social and ethnic groups
  • Slide lectures and civic meetings
  • Resource center for historical research
  • Source of educational books, videos and photos
  • Operation of the Meyers House Museum and the Meyers House Garden
  • Coordination of historic home tours
  • Planning and managing estate sales
  • Center for visitors coming to explore Alameda
  • Education hub for teachers and students


The museum collection, including the City’s Assessor’s records, unique books, and photographic collection, is available to the public for research. An initial appointment to access the collection can be made with our volunteers, please call +1-510-521-1233, or email [email protected].

In preparation, you can search the published records from the Museum catalog (under construction): online Catalog

The Museum and Kids

The Museum plays a valuable role in educating Alameda’s students and stimulating a deeper knowledge and appreciation of their hometown. Teacher workshops, annual Museum exhibits of student work, and tours and talks with local dignitaries are among the many activities used to enrich our children and their families.

Group Tours

Our job is serving the public, providing a fun learning experience while “preserving the past for the future” – that’s you.

If you have a classroom, scouting, or adult group that would like a narrated, docent led tour, please contact us to make arrangements. We can open the Museum during non-business hours to give you exclusive access with a history lesson plus Q & A time, to fit your schedule. Tours are free, but donations gladly accepted. We’d love to share your Thank You notes with the Board of Directors and City Council too.


The considerable energy and financial resources to support The Museum’s contributions to the community are supplied by its membership, donations, fundraisers, and cooperation from the City of Alameda. Diligent research and fieldwork by the staff, as well as generous contributions from Alameda citizens, continue to build The Museum’s inventory of irreplaceable documents and artifacts. In concert, these efforts have transformed The Alameda Museum into a community resource of rare value and an essential component in the preservation of city history.